The Minimum Wages in Rajasthan have been revised effective from 01 January 2023. The Department of Labour, Rajasthan has released an official notification dated 31 August 2023 about increase minimum wages for 52 scheduled employments in the state. This revised minimum wage rates is applicable in 2024 until the next update.
Minimum Wages in Rajasthan for 52 Scheduled Employments
Class of Employment | Total Per Day | Total Per Month |
Unskilled | ₹ 285.00 | ₹ 7,410.00 |
Semi-Skilled | ₹ 297.00 | ₹ 7,722.00 |
Skilled | ₹ 309.00 | ₹ 8,034.00 |
Highly Skilled | ₹ 359.00 | ₹ 9,334.00 |
List of 52 Scheduled Employments
Sr. No. | Scheduled Employments |
1 | Soap Stone Factories |
2 | Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories |
3 | Automobile Workshops |
4 | Cotton Dyeing, Printing and Washing Factories |
5 | Small Scale Industries |
6 | Gota Kinari and Allied Establishments |
7 | Wool Spinning and Weaving Factories |
8 | Powerloom Factories |
9 | Printing Press |
10 | Cinema Industries |
11 | Oil Mills |
12 | Engineering Industries |
13 | Wool Cleaning and Pressing Factories |
14 | Handloom Industry |
15 | Employments in Sugar Pans without Mechanical Power |
16 | Shops and Commercial Establishments |
17 | Cotton Waste Spinning Factories |
18 | Employments under any Local Authority |
19 | Employments in Public Motor Transport |
20 | Employments in Mining Operations (Excluding Mica Mines) |
21 | Employments in any Flour Mill, Atta Mill, or Dal Mill |
22 | Employments in Construction or Maintenance of Roads or Building Operations |
23 | Contingency and Works in Government Offices including Corporations and Boards (Employed labourer/worker) |
24 | Employments related to Electricity Generation, Distribution, and Supply |
25 | Laborers employed in Public Health Engineering Department |
26 | Laborers employed in Irrigation Department |
27 | Laborers employed in Public Works Department |
28 | Jute Industry |
29 | Hotels and Restaurants |
30 | Employments in Private Educational Institutions |
31 | Employments in Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes (Not run by Government or Local Bodies) |
32 | Employments in Cable Operating and Related Services |
33 | Employments in Cement Prestressed Products Industry |
34 | Employments in Manufacturing of Cold Drinks, Soda, and Allied Products |
35 | Employments in Cold Storage |
36 | Employments in Computer Hardware Industry and Services |
37 | Employments in all Factories registered under the Factories Act, which are not included in any other scheduled employment |
38 | Employments in Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and Institutions |
39 | Employments in Khadi, Handicrafts, and Village Industries |
40 | Employments in LPG Distribution and Related Services |
41 | Employments in Marketing and Consumer Cooperative Societies |
42 | Employments in Metal Foundry and General Engineering Industry |
43 | Employments in Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Industry including Pesticides |
44 | Employments in Petrol Pumps and Related Services |
45 | Employments in STD, ISD, PCO and Related Services |
46 | Sweeper and Sanitary Services not included in other employments |
47 | Employments in Tailoring work and Garments Industry |
48 | Employments in Taxis, Auto Rickshaws, and Traveling Agencies |
49 | Employments in Textiles Industry (All Types) |
50 | Employments in Tiles Manufacturing and Potteries Industry |
51 | Employments in Wood Works and Furniture Manufacturing Industry |
52 | (Employment in Agriculture): Employment in any form of agricultural work, including Tilling and sowing the land, Dairying, Production, cultivation, growing, and harvesting of any agricultural or horticultural product, Animal husbandry, beekeeping, or poultry farming, Any ancillary or incidental activity connected with or carried out in conjunction with agricultural operations (including forestry or afforestation activities, and the preparation and storage of agricultural produce for the market or its transport to the market). |
Official Notification
Rajasthan Minimum Wages Notification January 2023 (PDF)
Official Website
Visit the official website of Department of Labour, Rajasthan for more details.
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Hi, please provide current minimum wages for Rajasthan
Thanks with Regards.
Himanshu Kotnala